  • 期刊

Social-Constructivist Course Design and Efficacy of Teaching Translation as Language Skill-Taking a Media Translation Class as an Example



長久以來「專業翻譯教學」(Teaching Translation as a Professional Skill)與「語言翻譯教學」(Teaching Translation as a Language Skill) 一直處於一種灰色地帶,而認為該將這兩類翻譯課作一區隔的呼籲也在學界日益增高。本文從檢視一門得獎的「語言翻譯教學」課程,闡述社會建構論的課程設計如何在雙語授課環境中帶來教學效益。溝通式教學法、學科內容本位語言統整學習法(CLIL)、自主學習、合作學習、同儕評估,以及網路學習平台等教學步驟,也同時成為具有意義的學習任務。以「行動研究」方式所調查的某大學「媒體翻譯」課為例,本研究從課堂觀察、互動分析、學生線上討論記錄,和開放式問卷取得質化資料,並以封閉式問卷取得教學反應與學生學習動機策略兩方面的量化資料。。研究顯示,以社會建構論為基礎的教學策略,在活動執行與學習效益上都呈正向反應。而從開放式問卷的結果看來,教師的態度、網路科技的發達,及快樂的學習環境,也是提升學習力的原因。本研究期望由實際課程的執行面,改善學生的英語力、翻譯力,乃至溝通力。同時本研究亦希望能為從事語言翻譯教學的教師,提出一些具體參考。


For years there is always a gray area of differentiating between teaching translation as a professional skill (TTPS) and teaching translation as a language skill (TTLS), and in academia the demanding voice of defining these two types of translation courses is getting louder. By reviewing an award-winning course applying TTLS as a teaching method, this paper proposes a basis of constructivism for teaching media translation in a bilingual college program in Taiwan. Communicative teaching, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Self-regulated Learning, cooperative learning, peer reviewing, and online learning platforms (Moodle), are implemented as teaching techniques and expressive tasks.Tracking the participants' online-learning records serves as a reference for verifying teaching strategies. The paper introduces a college-participant empirical study under the monitor of Action Research. Surveys were done to get the quantitative data. Open-ended questionnaire and classroom observations are also conducted to elicit the qualitative data.Both the quantitative and qualitative data show that, due to the teaching and learning strategies based on constructivist course-design, the class activities are implemented well and the learning outcome is positive. The result from the open-ended questionnaire and classroom observation also indicates that other factors encouraging the participants' learning include the teacher's attitude, the advancement of Internet technology, and a happy learning environment. The implementation of this class is expected to benefit college students in bettering their English, translation skills, and communicative competence. Moreover, hopefully the implications can provide language instructors with more constructive insights when teaching translation.
