  • 期刊


From the Past to the Present, From Page to Stage: American Shakespeare Center and the Performance of Shakespeare


本文介紹美國莎士比亞中心的黑僧院劇院以及其劇團之演出,試圖以莎士比亞中心為主要實例檢視莎劇從傳統到現代、從劇本到舞台的轉變。莎士比亞中心致力於保留莎劇的「 原始劇場手法」 ,諸如演出期間燈火通明、設置舞台兩側的仕紳座椅、一人分飾兩角或多角、性別易裝、演出長度、空蕩舞台等,透過保留這些莎劇的原始劇場手法,美國莎士比亞中心也積極探索創新的表演方式,讓莎劇的原始劇場手法翻轉出各種新意。本文以該中心2014年的《錯誤的喜劇》為例,討論該劇之表演所開展出的創意表演能量以及觀眾的多元功能。


An interest to return to the early modern dramatic practices began at the end of the 20^(th) century. This paper introduces American Shakespeare Center (ASC) and their Blackfriars Playhouse in order to delve into the innovative possibilities the so-called "original practices" may offer. ASC attempts to preserve the "original practices" in their performance, including universal lighting, uses of gallant's stool, doubling, cross-dressing, bare stage, and so on. This study explores the significance of the early modern traditions, and focuses on ASC's 2014 production of Comedy of Errors as an example for opening up more performance creativities and audience interactions through these attempts.
