  • 期刊


A Case Study of Using "Quality Talk" to Enhance College Students' Critical Thinking and Expression Abilities in Chinese Language Course


本研究論述導入「深度討論」(Quality Talk, QT)教學模式之大一共同基礎課程「國語文能力表達」,能否達成創新教學實踐目標:「改變教學現場」與「提升學習者思辨與批判、語文表達、團隊合作能力之成效」。本文以質性分析為主、量化成效為輔之研究進路,採用質量化兼具之素材收集與檢證,並依據充分且正確的學習證據,妥善公允地完成學習成效研究評估。研究分析學習者歷經互動性強、參與性高、思辨性深的「深度討論」模式學習後,能扭轉因傳統單向式授課方法所造成之負面印象並改善課室氛圍冷漠的現象,同時也可提高投入國語文課程學習意願,進而促發學習成效之強化與深化。研究得出,導入「深度討論」模式之課程實施,不僅能活化教與學現場、刺激學習意願,亦可增強學習者思辨與批判、語文表達、團隊合作等能力之學習效能。


This research uses "Quality Talk (QT)" teaching method to University's freshman compulsory General Education course, "Ability of Expressing in Spoken and Written Chinese." The project intends to accomplish its objectives of "changing the educational scene" and "enhancing the learning effectiveness of learners' critical thinking, language expression, and teamwork skills." This article adopts qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection, verification, and analysis to properly and fairly complete an evaluation of learning effectiveness based on sufficient and factual learning evidence accompanied by a rigorous and practical research methodology. After experiencing a QT learning method, both teachers and students can break away from the traditional one-way teaching method and change the indifferent atmosphere in classroom. In the meantime, it can enhance learners' learning willingness of Chinese language course, and intensify learning effectiveness. In conclusion, using QT learning method in Chinese language course not only improve the educational scene and increases learning willingness, but also enhances learning effectiveness of learners' critical thinking, language expression, and teamwork skills.


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