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Anthropometric Studies of Inner Canthal Distance, Outer Canthal Distance and Canthal Index of Adult Ibibios


Outer canthal distance, Inner canthal distance and canthal index are important component of craniofacial anthropometry. Craniofacial anthropometry is vital in making a precise and systematic measurement of the human skull. Eight hundred (800) adults comprising 400 males and 400 females were used for this study. The subjects were measured for inner and outer canthal distances using a non- stretchable plastic ruler and the canthal index was obtained as the ratio of inner canthal distance and the outer canthal distance multiplying the resultant fraction by 100. The results showed that Ibibio males and females had inner canthal distances of 3.52 and 3.36 cm, respectively, outer canthal distances of 11.15 cm for male Ibibios and 10.73 cm for the females. Mean canthal index for both males and females was 31.64 and 31.47, respectively. The canthal index of Ibibio males is higher than that of females (p<0.05) using Z-test. This study will be useful in anthropology and medicine most especially in craniofacial surgery.
