  • 期刊


Podcasting, Blog, Mobile Learning and Game-Based Learning: Four Digital Learning Models on "Chinese E-learning Website"


本論文旨在闡釋〈華語e起來學習網〉如何依據播客、部落格、行動學習與遊戲式學習進行華語數位教材設計。此學習網是由文藻外語學院應用華語文系所執行的國科會數位學習計畫,內容以食衣住行娛樂為主題之中級(約歐洲共同語規CEFR之B2至C1等級)華語教材。為有效推廣此輔助學習之數位教材,本計畫甚且建置「華語e起來播客系統」,藉由播客(Podcasting)巨大的傳播及學習功能,使華語教學更無遠弗屆。播客系統是一種導入Web2.0技術可由多人所共同發展建立的影音部落格,不但可提供訂閱節目內容,還可建立專屬頻道上傳文件或影音資料,並且可隨時編修、更新內容。此外,播客除了可以透過個人電腦進行學習外,也可以透過iPod、MP3等隨身播放器,隨時聽閱音樂、廣播或影片的內容,進行不受時空限制的行動學習。播客、部落格與行動學習成為「華語e起來播客系統」所具有的數位學習方式,加上〈華語e起來學習網〉核心的「數位遊戲式學習」設計,這四種學習模式符合Josh Bersin在2006年所提出的四種「New e-Learning Modalities」,本計畫即是依據此四種數位學習模式而極力研發相對的華語教材。未來更期望以此為基礎,進而達至實體課程與線上課程結合之混成學習(Blending Learning)型態,使華語學習更能因應數位新潮流。


The study aims to explain how the ”Chinese E-learning Website” designed its digital teaching materials based on podcasting, blog, mobile learning and game-based learning. This learning website is one of the Digital Learning Projects of the National Science Council administered by the Department of Applied Chinese of Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages. The content is a secondary level (B2 in CEF) of Chinese teaching materials, including subjects such as: food, clothing, housing, transportation and entertainment etc. In order to achieve the learning effects, a program of ”Chinese E-podcasting” was set up. Its immense communication and learning functions help Chinese teaching to overcome the problems caused by distance. The podcasting system uses Web 2.0 technique to help individuals establish the audiovisual blogs. The program content can be subscribed and a personal channel can be established for uploading documents or audio-visual data; the content can be revised and updated at any time. Furthermore, Podcasting, as a learning program, its music, broadcasting or film can be accessed by personal computer or iPod, MP3 and other carry-on players. This kind of mobile learning has no temporal or spatial limitations. The digital learning method of podcasting, blog and mobile learning in ”Chinese E-podcasting System” as well as the design of ”Digital Game-Based Learning” on ”Chinese E-learning Website” are the four learning models that achieved the theory of ”New e-Learning Modalities” proposed by Josh Bersin in 2006. On this basis, the Chinese teaching materials of this E-learning were developed. It is hoped that a type of Blended Learning can be achieved, i.e. combining class learning and e-learning. As a result, digital learning can enhance the effects of Chinese learning.


陳世耀(2006)。【Marketing Show Case】顛覆傳統媒體,英國BBC打造Web2.0新帄台。天下雜誌。353


石官玉(2013)。Web 2.0工具應用於大學生課程相關學習活動之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.00105
