  • 期刊


Suggestions on Innovative Instruction of Chinese Culture Courses: Using the Department of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at the Chung Yuan Christian University as an Example


中原大學應用華語文學系的主要教育目標是培育各階層對外華語文教師。學生畢業後的工作對象包括非華裔和華僑華人,工作場所遍及海內外,發展兼有跨國界、跨文化、跨語言的特色。因此,該系於大學一年級上學期開設「中國文化導論」必修課程,期望畢業生藉由華語文之教學,在海內外向非華裔人士介紹中國文化,使華語文教學內容更為深化。然因教學場所絕大部分為海外地區,受教對象包括已長期居住於當地之華僑華人,自成不同於原鄉環境之華人社會,為使畢業生了解未來所處之華人社會環境,乃於大學四年級上學期開設「華人社會與文化」選修課程,期望經由各地區華人社會之介紹,使畢業生在教學上能因地制宜,獲得最佳成效;在生活上,能融入及認同當地社會。在碩士班階段,能經由「中國文化史」課程之學習而掌握到中國文化在歷史長河中的流變,而有助於在海外教學的深度。 學生本為教育之主體,因此本論文首先經由作者在該系之教學經驗,再與系上中國文化領域專長之師長們組成教學工作坊集思廣益後,參考中國大陸孔子學院推廣中國文化之活動內容、師資需求,及美國中文AP教學內容、教師所需知能條件,考量臺灣學生之程度及就業競爭力等條件,提出教學創新之建議。


The Department of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at the Chung Yuan Christian University aims to cultivate Chinese teachers of different levels. The graduates will teach non-Chinese and overseas Chinese, their workplaces will be in Taiwan or in foreign countries. The course development consists of international, inter-cultural, and cross-language, thus, the department has set up ”Introduction to Chinese culture” as a required course in the first semester for freshmen, and expects that the graduates will introduce Chinese culture to non-Chinese, both in Taiwan and foreign countries, through Chinese instruction in order to enhance the instructional content. However, the instructional locations are mostly in overseas regions, and participants include overseas Chinese that have established a Chinese society different from their origins. In order to allow the graduates to gain an in depth knowledge of the Chinese society they will include in their instruction, the department has set up ”Chinese Society and Culture” as elective course in the first semester for seniors, and expects that this introduction to Chinese society could be offered in different regions. The graduates will adjust their instruction as suitable for local circumstances in order to result in the best outcomes; regarding the instructors personal lives, they will be involved in and identify with their local society. Regarding the master program, the content of the ”Chinese Culture History” course will allow students to gain an in depth knowledge of the development of the Chinese culture, thus, enhancing their abilities in overseas instruction. Students are the subjects of education. Thus, this paper proposes suggestions for innovative instruction, based upon the author's instructional experience in the department, workshops for teachers in the field of Chinese culture, activities for the promotion of the Chinese culture of the Confucius Institute in China, demands for teachers, instruction of AP Chinese in the U.S., teachers’ knowledge and required abilities, students’ levels in Taiwan, and competence required for the job.




