  • 期刊


An implementation of ESP: The design and effectiveness of the course "Professional English of Teaching Chinese"-using Chung Yuan Christian University as an example


華語文教學正蓬勃發展,英語是世界最常用的共同語言,華語文教師必須得具備一定的英語程度來解決教學相關的需求。因此以「華語教學英語」作為一門專業英語課程(English for Specific purposes, ESP)是為了預備華語文教學師資生將來在海外(尤其是英語系國家)教授華語時能在各種華語文教學專業情境適當地使用英語表達。此課程基於ESP 各家之說法(Hutchinson and Waters1987,Strevens 1988,Dudley-Evans& St. John 1998)於2005年起開設。本文主要在檢視此科目之過去幾年授課成效,並從以下幾項進行檢視:1.專業內容的檢視。2.教學方法的成效檢視。3.學生的學習成效檢視。對於專業內容的檢視,本研究針對本系畢業的華語文教師、實習過的師資生以及2013年選修本課程未實習的師資生作問卷調查,了解其所需求的「華語教學英語」課程內容為何。對於教學方法和學生學習成效檢視,主要從研究者對2012、2013年選修此課程的師資生所做的期中和期末評量以及學校的期末評量資料來做探討。研究顯示,畢業學生和在校生皆對於課程內容給予肯定及贊同。期中與期末評量顯示大部分師資生對於教學方式和學習成效有正面的看法,喜歡有互動性、討論方式之教學方式。


Chinese has been taught as a second language in many countries, and English is considered to be a common lingua franca of the world. Thus, it is important for Chinese language teachers who are Chinese to have good command of English to handle situations related to their teachings. "Professional English of Teaching Chinese" is an ESP (English for specific purposes) course in the Department of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU). It is designed to help student teachers who are going to teach Chinese abroad, especially English speaking countries, handle situations in their teachings. Based on ESP theories (Hutchinson and Waters1987, Strevens 1988, Dudley-Evans& St. John 1998), the course's objective is to facilitate student teachers' English communication skills in a variety of classroom situations when they teach Chinese in an English speaking country. The study is aimed to examine the teaching content and effectiveness as well as students' learning effectiveness of the course. For examining the content effectiveness, a questionnaire is distributed to students who are CYCU's graduated Chinese teachers and those who have finished doing their teaching practicum to collect their opinions regarding the content of the course. For the teaching and learning effectiveness, the study is based on the midterm and final evaluations of the course for further examination. From the evaluations, we can see that most of the students have positive points of view toward the teaching methods and think they have benefited from the course.


Bojović, M. 􇂷2006􇂸. Teaching Foreign Language for Specific Purposes: Teacher Development. The proceeding s of the 31st Annual Association of Teacher Education in Europe, retrieved from http://www.pef.uni-lj.si/atee/978-961-6637-06-0/487-493.pdf.
Dudley-Evans, T. & M. S. John.􇂷1988􇂸. Developments in English for Specific Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hutchinson, T. and Waters, A.􇂷1987􇂸. English for Specific Purposes-A learning-centered approach. New York: Cambridge University press.
Strevens, P. 􇂷1988􇂸. ESP after twenty years: A re-appraisal In M. Tickoo 􇂷Ed.􇂸ESP: State of the Art. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
