  • 期刊


Grammatical Principles Selection and Arrangement in Beginner-Level Chinese Textbooks Published in Japan


日本為因應每年大學生以中國語作為第二語言課程選修的大量需求,每年約有近百種中國語教材出版,然而,這些教材在市場龐大的需求下,編寫的嚴謹度經常受到質疑。不過,研究者在質疑教材之際,也往往只是點到為止,少有就教材進行深入的探究。本研究乃筆者對日本中國語教材研究的一環,選用近8 年日本出版以大學生第二外語學習者為對象的6 種中國語初級教材為研究範疇,藉由多部教材的比對,輔以語法點選用及排序等相關研究成果,探討教材中語法點編寫的優劣得失,找出日本初級中國語教材語法編寫的佳處及可改進之處。研究發現日本初級中國語教材在語法點的選用上,多以日本學生學習難點為優先;語法點的排序上大致不離一般的排序原則,但部分語法內部的排序有待改善。根據前人的研究,教材中的語法點的總數不宜過多,每一課應以3 個為佳,且相類似的語法點應分散編排為宜。然而,本次選用的教材中,每一課語法點數量有不少未加統一,但也有部分教材以每課3 個語法點為定數的編寫。足見日本的中國語教材編寫亦有與時俱進,廣納漢語語法研究成果的傾向,而這些做法都足以作為日後編寫者的參考。


Because Chinese is the second most commonly selected major among Japanese students, every year there are nearly a hundred new Chinese textbooks published in Japan. However, because of the high level of demand in the market, the quality of the texts is often under scrutiny. Nevertheless, researchers typically only go through the motions of critiquing texts and rarely do in depth evaluations. This research paper is an examination of six different texts that were published for university-level second language learners over the last eight years. Through multi-faceted comparison, analysis of the selected grammatical principles in each text and their arrangement, and other factors, this paper explores the strengths and weaknesses of these texts in order to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of Japanese beginner-level Chinese textbooks as a whole. Our research discovered that Japanese beginning Chinese texts tend to focus their selection of grammar principles on those which trouble Japanese students most. The arrangement of principles is relatively standard, but there is great need for improvement." According to previous research, each lesson should not include too many new grammar principles, with three being ideal. Similar grammar principles should also be divided among different lessons for best results. However, the texts utilized in our research have not all followed this guideline, though some do have three principles in every lesson. This is sufficient to show that Japanese Chinese texts have kept up with modern research and have adopted recommended trends. These methods are worth the consideration of future authors.


