  • 期刊


Exploring David Garrick's Natural Acting: Context, Content, and Theory


一七四一年十月,二十四歲的酒商大衛.賈里克(David Garrick)在倫敦郊區一家沒有執照的小劇院首度演出《理查三世》主角,以令觀眾耳目一新的「自然」演技,震撼倫敦,一戲/夕成名,其崛起往往被描繪為掀起傳奇性的劇場革命,推翻當時名演員詹姆斯.昆恩(James Quin)代表的「舊派」演法或是演說式演法。一七四七年他更和萊西合夥掌管兩家特許劇院之一的德雷巷劇院,直到一七七六年退休,賈里克以成功的演員與精明的劇院經理人,縱橫倫敦舞台三十年,造就「賈里克的時代」。然而,仍待追問的是:賈里克石破驚天的自然演技在十八世紀到底所指為何?「自然」應該被視為該時期倫敦觀眾的審美品味或認定的「成規」,那麼這些成規如何被改變?亦即,觀眾怎麼接受他的演技是自然,而演說式演法過時了?舞台經驗有限的賈里克又從哪裡學到較自然的演技?舞台再現的自然可能包含哪些共識準則?和生活的自然有何異同?賈里克和其他演員一樣都是遵守流行的情感理論,他的演技超越他人的特殊之處為何,而會被讚賞為自然?本文藉由梳理十八世紀蓬勃的報紙評論、演技手冊與傳記等出版,企圖回答上述的問題,具體拆解賈里克的「自然」演技,包括審視「自然」成規改變的脈絡,歸納自然演技的幾個通則,同時挖掘、闡述背後的理論根源。


In October of 1741, David Garrick, a 24-year-old wine merchant, made his debut as King Richard the Third at an unlicensed theatre in the suburbs of London. He instantly caused a sensation and became famous overnight with his innovative acting style. Described as "natural," Garrick's acting was often considered revolutionary, overthrowing the old school of rhetorical acting, as represented by James Quin. Afterwards, Garrick successfully claimed the London stage for over 30 years and created what theatre historians call "the age of Garrick." However, it remains to ask: what was natural acting in 18^(th) century London? Whether acting is natural depends on the taste of the audience or the conventions of theatre appreciation; then when did London theatre-goers start to consider rhetorical acting outdated and how did their taste get changed? How did Garrick learn the craft of acting before his debut? Theatre aimed to hold a mirror up to nature, so what did "nature" refer to? This article attempts to answer these questions by examining theatre criticism in newspapers, published acting manuals or treaties, and biographies in 18^(th) century London. It explores the context in which Garrick's new style of acting became acceptable, sums up the characteristics or contents of his natural acting, and explains the theories related to what count as "nature."


Anonymous. The Life and Death of David Garrick Esq. London: sold by J. Pridden etc, 1779?.
Donohue, Joseph(ed.)(2004).The Cambridge History of British Theatre.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Benedetti, Jean(2012).The Art of the Actor: The Essential History of Acting from Classical Times to the Present Day.London:Routledge.
