  • 期刊


The Spatial Distribution and Center of Indigenous Population in Taiwan




In 1906, the indigenous population in Taiwan was 110,000. By 2017, the indigenous population increased to 540 thousand. Since the 1960s, with the economic transformation of Taiwan, population has gradually migrated to the urban areas. The distribution of the indigenous peoples was originally concentrated in the traditional indigenous areas. By 2017, nearly half of the indigenous population resides in urban areas. The distribution of the indigenous people presents dramatic changes recently. This paper depicts the trend of the distribution of the population of the indigenous peoples from 1958 onwards by calculating the center of population and standard distance. This paper shows that the population of the indigenous is obviously moving towards the urban areas. The center of population continues to be affected by the increase of the population in the northern metropolitan areas, and gradually moves northward. At the same time, the dispersion of the indigenous people increases. In addition, the population distribution of various ethnic groups is diversified, Amis, Puyuma, Paiwan ethnic distribution, for example, is more dispersed, while the Atayal family is more concentrated. The standard distance of the distribution of the indigenous population in each county is very different. In order to meet the needs of indigenous people, the local government should be immediately proceeded with different policy in delivering social welfare services, medical care, education and so on.


內政部內政資料開放平台。2017。〈村里現住原住民族別人口〉 (http://data.moi.gov.tw/MoiOD/default/Index.aspx)(2017/8/1)。
王佳煌、李俊豪。2013。〈臺北都會區居住模式之研究(1980-2010):隔離、分殊、群聚或階層?〉《臺灣社會研究季刊》42 期,頁 57-107。
