

The goal of this study was to explore the effects of the growth and fattening characteristics of the herd of goats by feeding G. lucidum (Ganoderma lucidum) formula supplements. The experiments were conducted at a goat farm located in Miaoli County, Taiwan. Originally, the farmer purchases and raises one-month-old goats and sells them when they are fully grown after fattening. In this study, 12 Anglo-Nubian (Capra hircus) goats, which were 8-month-old and weighed between 35.65 and 44.55 kg, were randomly selected and divided into two groups. Goats in the experimental group received the mixture of corn and bean pulp daily with 20 g of the G. lucidum formula along with other supplements, whereas the control group received the same mixture of corn and bean pulp daily along with other supplements but without any of the G. lucidum formula. The results showed that, apart from antibiotics free of the herd, the G. lucidum had a significant effect on the growth performance of the goats. Therefore, not only can it be used as a growth-promoting feed additive to the goats and other herds, but also nutrition has no harm to the herd, human beings, and the environment.


本研究主要在探討靈芝複方添加於飼糧中,對於肉羊的肥育生長性狀之影響。本試驗的場域,位於臺灣苗栗縣的肉羊畜牧場,該牧場是先買進一個月齡羊隻進行飼養,至肥育為成羊後再售出。本研究將努比亞雜交種8月大、12頭肉羊隨機分為日糧添加靈芝複方(試驗組,n = 6)以及日糧不添加靈芝複方(對照組,n = 6)的試驗設計,基礎飼料以玉米-大豆粕為主,飼料與水任食飼養,為期60天進行檢測肉羊的體重變化。試驗前,隨機挑選體重介於35.65至44.55公斤的成長羊12頭做為試驗羊群,並隨機分為兩組進行試驗。實驗組飼糧每日添加20公克的靈芝複方,對照組飼糧則不添加靈芝複方。結果顯示,飼糧中添加靈芝複方對肉羊成長之表現,具有顯著促進的效果。因此,使用靈芝複方於肉羊產業,將可能是一項促進生長之飼糧添加物,亦深具推廣潛能。


羊隻 增重飼糧 靈芝複方
