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Neonatal Femoral Fracture: A Case Report



Birth-related fractures are relatively uncommon. They generally occur during a difficult delivery, particularly with breech presentation. In neonates, femoral fractures are rare. We encountered a female neonate with a femoral fracture who had been delivered by cesarean section due to breech presentation. The gestational age was 38 weeks, and the birth weight was 2.885 kg. A left footling presentation was noted during delivery, and limited range of motion of the right leg was found soon after delivery. An X-ray revealed a fracture of the right femoral shaft with slight displacement. A cast was applied to the right thigh immediately after orthopedic consultation. However, it was replaced with Bryant traction of both legs, because the fracture became more displaced and there was persistent painful swelling of the thigh. An X-ray showed good alignment with callus formation and no shortening or deformity of the right femur at four weeks of age.




股骨骨折 科比牽引 剖腹產


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