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Simulation-based Training in Medical Residency Training Program



Improving patient safety is an important focus in medical field internationally. Raising resident's competency before they deal with real patients is thus a crucial consideration in medical school curricula and residency training programs. As simulation-based training provides simulated scenarios with real-life features for medical students and residents to practice and master their clinical skills before they face real patients, many medical schools and teaching hospitals have started to use simulation-based training as a crucial and effective instrument in their curricula and training programs. Nevertheless, understanding different types of simulators will help the program instructors select an appropriate simulator based on student learning goals. In addition to having the proper tools chosen for the simulation-based training, a well-designed training process is also key for the success of the training program.


病人安全是近年來國際醫學界一重要議題。為了提升病人安全,在住院醫師真正面對病人前,培養並確認住院醫師有足夠的知識及技能來處理病人的問題是各大醫學院及教學醫院一重大方向。模擬本位學習是利用模擬器製造一個模擬真實情境的訓練環境,讓醫學院學生及醫院住院醫師在面對真正病人前能有足夠的機會練習一些必要的技能,因此在現今許多醫學院及教學醫院已將模擬本位學習融入教學課程及住院醫師訓練流程中。依照各訓練課程目標選擇適當模擬器是一個模擬本位訓練的要素。 然而課程訓練負責老師必須充分了解各項模擬器的功能及合併教學目標才能為訓練課程選擇一適當的模擬器。除此之外,一個完善設計的訓練課程計畫更是一個成功模擬本位訓練不可或缺的決定因素。


模擬本位訓練 技能 模擬器
