  • 期刊


A Study of Manpower Utilization for Additional Educare Givers in Affiliated Preschools of Public Primary Schools in the Central Region of Taiwan




The purpose of this study is to understand the situation of manpower utilization of educare givers in the affiliated preschools of public primary schools in the central region of Taiwan. The study also examines the differences of manpower utilization among different counties in the central region of Taiwan by adopting a survey method with the use of a researcher-developed questionnaire. After collecting a total of 813 valid questionnaires, the data are statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics and test of homogeneity of proportions. Findings from this study indicate that the manpower utilization of additional educare givers is the highest in childcare work, followed by teaching, and the lowest is in administrative work. The proportion of assistance that the educare givers provides is the highest on "guide and care for daily life" in child-care work, on "collaborative teaching" in teaching work, and on "health care business" in administrative work. Statistically significant differences exist among the manpower utilization of additional educare givers from different cities and counties in teaching, child-care, and administrative work. In teaching work, Miaoli County is the highest, and Yunlin County is the lowest. In child-care work, Nantou County is the highest, and Miaoli County is the lowest. In administrative work, Changhua County is the highest, and Taichung City is the lowest. The results of this study offer good references to government, educare givers, and future researchers.


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