  • 期刊


How to Raise-up the Concept of Sustainable Environment Management for Modern Citizen through the Class of Homeland Conservation and CSR



台灣地勢高聳、坡面陡峻,山地分布多於平地,造成土地利用上諸多限制。由於人口的壓力,土地需求甚為急迫,山坡地的開發利用勢在必行,但是此等地區為水土流失最為敏感之地帶,不當的開發行為,衍生了許多國土保育及保安問題,甚至導致災害的發生。本課程開立的精神是為了幫助修課學生對保護國土資源概念的提升及對企業該有的社會責任之了解,培養其「關懷地球」的「多元智能」。據此,特別以永續環境經營融入通識教育課程之教學作為主軸,並探討如何利用課程經營來提升現代公民素養為議題。內容除了「前言」之外,文章架構為:(一)課程設計之理念;(二)課程經營之特色;(三)PBL 環境探索行動;(四)課程回饋問卷分析;(伍)結論。盼為文能在通識教育中「永續環境」相關教學上做拋磚引玉的工作,提供未來教學、研究相關資料之參考。


The land use is limited in Taiwan which has high and steep relief and mountain area is larger than flat area. The population is increasing and the demand of land is urgent which cause the fast development in slope area. However, the soil loss is sensitive in this area due to improper developing. The problems in home land conservation and safety are concerned, especially for the disaster happening. In this class the goal is concentrated in the protection of home land resources as well as the understanding of CSR. It will bring up the earth-concerning on multiple-phase wise for students. According this, the integrating sustainable environment management into general education is setup for major teaching scheme in curriculum and methods. The subjects about how to promote the literacy for modern citizen on class management are studied. The content of this study includes: (1) the concepts on class designing; (2) the characteristics of class management; (3) the PBL approach of environment explore activities; (4) the feedback of questionnaire survey; (5) the conclusions. This study hopefully can cast a brick to attract jade on implementing to go on, and offer the reference of the relevant materials of teaching in the future.


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