  • 期刊


Annotation to the Sutra of Buddha Telling of Human Delusion, Love and Death and Rebirth: The Germ of Shi Dao'an's Ideas about "Five Losses of Originals"




An analysis of Shi Dao'an's ideas about translation underlying his Annotation to the Sutra of Buddha Telling of Human Delusion, Love and Death and Rebirth reveals that these ideas were closely related to his principle of the "five losses of originals" put forth after he went to Chang'an. Such an analysis shows that his conception of the "five losses of originals" was developed while he taught Buddhism in Hebei (north of the Yellow River) and laid the foundation for his principles of sutra translation. It also indicates that these "five losses of originals" are consequences that he had been pondering for a long time and were not simply improvised by him when he directed the Buddha translation center in Chang'an.


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中華大藏經編輯局編(1988)。中華大藏經(漢文部分)。北京=Beijing, China:中華書局=Zhonghua Book。
釋僧祐編(1995)。出三藏記集。北京=Beijing, China:中華書局=Zhonghua Book。
方廣錩(2004)。道安評傳。北京=Beijing, China:昆侖=Kunlun Press。
朱志瑜、朱曉農(2006)。中國佛籍譯論選輯評注。北京=Beijing, China:清華大學=Tsinghua University Press。
