  • 期刊


Comparative Studies of "Heart Sutra" with Its "Perceiving 5 Aggregates Into Emptiness" - With an Illustration of "Bodhisattva Kuanyin's Enlightenment" in "Surangama Sutra"


本文主旨是對《心經》,特別是「照見五蘊皆空」等理念提出一些重要闡釋。首先對玄奘大師譯的《般若波羅蜜多心經》譯文作一簡單分類,由此可看出「照見五蘊皆空」確是《心經》對於修證過程及境界的唯一描述。如照文字字面解讀,「照見五蘊皆空」有能照與被照,未能超越能所,其境界只到「無色界」的四空天,未到菩提彼岸。 若從華藏上師根據藏傳佛經翻譯的《般若波羅密多心要經》來看,他譯的「照見五蘊自性歸空」,與玄奘大師譯的則有重要不同之處,主要區別是有「自性」出現。我們對自性的界定是:自性是一個人的「自我的本性」,即佛家的「本來面目」。基於六祖《壇經》,自性具有本不生滅等五種超越特質。也基於這個理念,「照見五蘊自性歸空」即是觀世音菩薩「返聞聞自性」的攝心内證過程。返照的結果不單是五蘊空了,自性也空了,是畢竟空,沒有能空也沒有所空,已超越了能所。 對於《心經》色蘊空的「色即是空」,我們用兩種方式解說,一是用科學理念作一方便說明。二是用傳統佛學作了義說法。我們更對各種《心經》譯本作出比較,以了解「自性」這一辭的出現情形。我們舉列出大約有那些大師翻譯《心經》以及《心經》不同譯名與「照見五蘊皆空」的不同譯法。也確知「自性」這一辭無論在漢傳佛經或在藏傳佛經的《心經》裡,都同樣是實有的。 爲了要能明確地了解五蘊是怎樣一蘊一蘊地空掉的情形,我們引用《楞嚴經》的「觀音圓通」來看「照見五蘊自性歸空」的實際運作。這方面有一點特別値得重視,就是觀音菩薩圓通的成就是不住生死、不住涅槃、而住菩提,窮未來際,利樂眾生的最殊勝的「無住涅槃」或「究竟涅槃」。 最後,我們要強調返觀自性的重要性,這不單是對修習禪定重要,即使在日常生活中,如能返觀自性,經常反省自己,這樣得來的超越性智慧,將很不尋常地豐富你的美麗人生


心經 五蘊 楞嚴經 觀音圓通


This article is aimed to illustrate the concept of ”Heart Sutra” with its” Perceiving 5 aggregates into emptiness”. Firstly the Prajna-Paramita-Hrdaya Sutra translated by Tripitaka Master Hsuan-tsang is simply classified and one can see therein that indeed ”Perceiving 5 aggregates into emptiness” is the only statement in the Sutra of how Bodhisattva Kuanyin achieved his enlightenment. If interpreting the ”Perceiving 5 aggregates into emptiness” literally, the Perceiving has both the perceiver and the object (5 aggregates) to be perceived. Thus the domain of doer and to be done is not transcended and consequently the level of achievement is just the 4 formless heavens, not the yonder (nirvana). However, if using Master Hua-tsong's ”Heart Sutra”, which he translated from Tibetan Buddhism one finds a word ”Self-nature” included, i.e., ”Perceiving his Self-nature in 5 aggregates into emptiness”. By Self-nature it means one's very original nature, which, according to Platform Sutra, has 5 transcendental properties including Non-creation Non-annihilation. This way of Perceiving seems correct in the description of Bodhisattva Kuanyin's meditation process. The consequence of this Perceiving was that his Self-nature as well as 5 aggregates all go into ultimate or transcendental emptiness. We have given two explanations to famous proverb ”Form is emptiness” of ”Heart Sutra”, one based on scientific reasoning whereas the other based on traditional Buddhism. Also we compare various translations of ”Heart Sutra” by other Buddhist Masters and find that the term Self-nature should appear in both Chinese Buddhist and Tibetan Buddhist ”Heart Sutra”. To further understand how the 5 aggregates actually go into emptiness one-by-one with the Self-nature we employ the description of ”Kuanyin enlightenment” from Surangama Sutra. The great achievement of Kuanyin enlightenment is discussed and entitled as the Non-abiding Nirvana or Ultimate Nirvana, which is the spiritual state without reincarnation, without abiding in Nirvana, and helping all sentient beings forever. Finally, we emphasize the importance of perceiving one's own Self-nature, not only for attaining various kinds of Nirvana in meditation, but also for improving one's wisdom in daily living.


