  • 學位論文


A Study of the “Interaction among the Six Sensory Organs”in the Śūraṇgama Sūtra

指導教授 : 釋證融


《楞嚴經》,是中國佛教史上的一部重要經典,它被認為是中國佛教的寶艦,內容涵蓋了佛教理論以及實修次第。從唐、宋以降推崇此經的祖師大德不勝枚舉。 本文將從「六根互用」的議題,耙梳與整理《楞嚴經》中與六根互用相關的經文,並探討六根的源流、定義、如何互用以及與耳根圓通的關係為何等,本文將嘗試從各各經典或論疏,找出異與同的論點,並進一步加以探討。 本文的架構共分為五章:第一章緒論,說明研究動機與方法、前人成果回顧與分析以及本文架構與章節說明。第二章是簡介《楞嚴經》,略述經名的意義、《楞嚴經》十卷的內容要點以及《楞嚴經》在中國佛教的重要性。第三章是《楞嚴經》的六根的互用,從本經整理出與六根相關的經文,並分析其之間如何互用,以及其他經典或論疏對六根互用的論點,並比較六根互用與六根並用之相異處以及其修行階位等。第四章耳根圓通與六根互用的關係,略述一根起修的原因、耳根圓通的殊勝與修持以及略述觀世音菩薩證得耳根圓通展現千手千眼即六根互用的無作妙力。第五章結論,歸納以上章節的內容作結論。


楞嚴經 六根 互用 觀世音 耳根圓通


Śūraṅgama-Sūtra is an important text in Chinese Buddhism. Regarded as one of the primary source of references by the Buddhists, the sutra consists explanation of Buddhist philosophies and stages of spiritual development, and has been highly praised by numerous great Buddhist masters since the Tang Dynasty. This thesis focuses on the “interaction between the six sensory organs (ṣaḍ-indriya)” as illustrated in Śūraṅgama-Sūtra. By comparing this with related explanations found in other Buddhist sutras and commentaries, the origination of “six sensory organs”, their definitions, and the way they interact with each other are studied. The similarities and differences found between these texts are examined and discussed throughout the paper. This thesis consists of 5 chapters. The first chapter, Introduction, includes the explanation on the research motivation, methods of study, the structure of each chapter, as well as a review on previous studies of the topic. The second chapter provides an outline of Śūraṅgama-Sūtra, beginning with an analysis of the name of the sutra, a brief overview of its 10 volumes, and its place in Chinese Buddhism. The third chapter focuses on the interaction and cooperativeness between the six sensory organs. It extracts related texts from Śūraṅgama-Sūtra, analyses and compares them with texts found in other sutras and commentaries, which also include explanation on stages of spiritual development. The fourth chapter, on the other hand, is about the connection between the “interaction between the six sensory organs” and the perfection of hearing. In this chapter the reason for starting the practice using a particular sense organ as well as the exceptional practice of the perfection of hearing are discussed. In particular, the way Bodhisattva Avalokitevaśra obtained ultimate mastery of the cooperativeness between the six organs through the practice of perfection of hearing is also briefly discussed. The final chapter is the concluding chapter, which summarizes discussions in the previous chapters.


《金剛般若波羅蜜經》。T08, no. 235。
《寶藏論》。T45, no. 1857。
