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An Innovative Application of Thick Translation in Translating The Classic of Tea in and for Our Digital Age




Chajing (The Classic of Tea), the best-known Chinese tea classic, is filled with background information about Chinese culture, history, and geography. Therefore, thick translation- that is, the inclusion of a further, more detailed and more professional understanding of tea-is clearly necessary in the English translation of this classic. However, improper thick translation may fail to have positive effects. Therefore, this paper, taking Francis Ross Carpenter's English translation of The Classic of Tea as a case, explores the application of thick translation in general and the problems that may be created by the traditional practice of thick translation. Here, then, taking into account the ongoing development of new media in our digital age, an innovative model of thick translation is proposed which advocates the use of hyperlink and non-verbal resources like pictures, animations and audio-visual materials. It is believed that this new model may serve as a helpful starting point for the production of a translation that will better serve its targeted readers.


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