  • 期刊


A Review of the Relationship between Social Capital and Innovation


隨著現今社會經濟發達,國民所得提高、科技進步,影響著我們的文化,就連飲食習慣也大受影響。身為二十一世紀的大學生,正是處在這樣的一個大環境下,對學生們來說「聚餐」已經不只是朋友相聚用餐而已,隨著年紀的增長,環境的變化,接觸文化的多元,對同學們來說,與同學們一起享用美食,並享受各地文化美食,已成為同學們茶餘飯後重要的話題。 有鑑於此,本研究亦開始觀察大漢技術學院學生,在大學四年所喜愛的聚餐地點,在有限的預算下,了解其選擇聚餐地點時,在服務品質、用餐環境及價格等三方面的影響,進行分析。希望藉此了解大漢技術學院學生聚餐選擇之偏好。


With the rapid economic growth of today's society, the increase of national income, and such technological progress, it goes without saying that cultures will be influenced. Moreover our eating habits will be effected. In today's society, college students wish to not only dine together but to share their own culture, etiquette and cuisine. Brought about by diversity in culture this has become an important aspect of a student's social life. This study began to observe students’ favorite dining places in Dahan Institute of Technology during their studying years. On a limited budget, this research analyzes the results based on the service quality, dining environment and price factors and the effect that this has on their choices of place to eat. Throughout this study we attempt to discover student's preferences with regard to dining in Dahan Institute of Technology.
