  • 期刊


The Relationship between Body Mass Index and All-Cause Mortality in the Elderly: Reviewing Obesity Paradox with an Evidence-Based Approach




According to the latest data from the World Health Organization, worldwide obesity has nearly tripled during the past 40 years. In 2016, 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight, and 13% were obese. In the same population in Taiwan, the overweight-obesity prevalence read 40.17% in 2015, and eight of the top ten causes of death among Taiwanese people were related to obesity. All these statistics testify to the gravity of obesity as a major global health issue. Previous literature has identified obesity and overweight as risk factors for a plethora of chronic diseases; even the incidence of cancer has been found to be positively correlated with body mass index. However, recent literature has observed in certain groups, notably the elderly and patients with specific chronic diseases, an inverse relationship between body mass index and mortality rate, thus giving rise to the so-called "obesity paradox." In this paper, an evidence-based medicine approach was applied to clarify the relationship between body mass index and mortality in the elderly population by scrutinizing and appraising previous studies with the highest level of evidence, including systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Current evidence shows that in the general community-living elderly population, the mortality risk is at its lowest among those who are overweight, suggesting that overweight may serve as a protection. In the healthy elderly population, defined as never-smokers without chronic diseases, the lowest risk of death occurs when the body mass index is normal, and there is no statistical difference in the overweight group. However, in both the general and healthy elderly populations, obesity appears to be associated with a statistically significant increase in the risk of death.
