  • 期刊


Prevalence of Obesity and Its Associated Factors in Elderly Male: An Epidemiological Survey in a Rural Community in Southern Taiwan



目的:肥胖盛行率逐年增加,已經成為危害人類健康的重要原因之一。然而針對臺灣鄉村地區的老年男性肥胖的研究仍相當不足,本研究的目的即在探討鄉村地區老年男性的肥胖盛行率以及可能的影響因子。方法:以全鄉篩檢的方法,經排除拒訪、空戶、死亡以及可能影響肥胖的因子後,共收錄田寮鄉383位老年男性為研究對象,每位研究對象皆須接受身體測量及結構式問卷調查。身體測量如身高、體重、腰圍,均由同一位受過訓練的工作人員以標準方式量取。結構式問卷則由工作人員以面對面方式訪談完成,內容包含基本資料、社會心理及行為因子、高血壓及糖尿病病史等。依據2000年世界衛生組織亞太肥胖標準的建議,以身體質量指數≧25公斤/平方公尺為分界點,將研究對象區分為有無肥胖兩組,並以5歲為區間分成四個年齡分層(65~69, 70~74, 75~79, ≧80歲)以探討年齡層與有無肥胖的關係。進一步以複邏輯回歸的方法討論可能影響老年男性肥胖的相關因子。結果:田寮鄉414位老年男性平均年齡為74.6 ± 6.1歲,平均身體質量指數為24.2 ± 3.2公斤/平方公尺,平均腰圍為86.7 ± 10.9公分;整體肥胖盛行率為41.1%,四個年齡分層的肥胖盛行率以及平均腰圍依序為44.9%、85.9 ± 12.1公分;45.2%、88.5 ± 9.6公分;46.5%、87.9 ± 11.3公分及23.5%、83.4 ± 10.1公分。肥胖盛行率與平均腰圍在80歲以上有顯著下降的現象。利用複邏輯回歸分析模式,以有無肥胖作為應變項,有可能影響肥胖的因子為自變項,結果發現對於田寮鄉老年男性而言,肥胖有無與腰圍呈現有意義的正相關;與年齡、喝茶習慣、識字與否呈現有意義的負相關。與身體活動量、婚姻狀況、喝酒習慣、高血壓及糖尿病病史則無顯著相關性存在。結論:臺灣鄉村老年男性的肥胖盛行率偏高並且有隨著年齡增加而逐漸升高並於80歲以上時顯著下降的趨勢。與臺灣鄉村老年男性的肥胖顯著相關的因子為年齡、腰圍、喝茶習慣以及教育程度。


老年男性 肥胖 腰圍 盛行率 鄉村地區


Objective: Only limited epidemiological data focusing on the prevalence of obesity in rural elderly male are available in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence of obesity and identify possible risk factors for obesity of elderly male dwelling in a rural area.Methods: After those who had stroke, thyroid disease and history of cancer were excluded, 383 ambulatory men from a rural community were enrolled in our study. Height, weight, and waist circumference (WC) were measured in a standard way by a well trained staff. Questionnaires including basic information, diseases history, and social behavior factors were interviewed by the staff. According to World Health Organization 2000 BMI criteria for Asians, subjects were categorized into non-obese (BMI<25 kg/m^2) and obese groups (BMI≧25 kg/m^2) by four age groups (65~69, 70~74, 75~79 and ≧80 years-old) for further analysis.Results: The mean age of the 414 study subjects was 74.6 ± 6.1 years-old, BMI was 24.2 ± 3.2 kg/m^2, and WC 86.7 ± 10.9 cm. Prevalence of obesity in total population was 41.1% while that of each of the four age groups read respectively 44.9%, 45.2%, 46.5%, and 23.5%. The mean WC in each of the four age groups was 85.9 ± 12.1 cm, 88.5 ± 9.6 cm, 87.9 ± 11.3 cm and 83.4 ± 10.1 cm respectively. Prevalence of obesity and waist circumference were significantly lower in the ≧80 years-old group (p<0.05). Based on the results of binary logistic regression analysis, age, educational status, tea consumption and waist circumference emerged to be significant independent factors for obesity. Hypertension history, diabetes history, marital status, exercise habit and alcohol consumption reported no significant association with obesity in elderly male.Conclusions: High prevalence of obesity in elderly male is noted in rural Taiwan. Age, WC, educational status and tea consumption were significant associated factors for obesity. For male elderly dwelling in a rural community in southern Taiwan, obesity and WC demonstrated a steady growth with age but started to show an obvious decline when the age reached 80 years old.


