  • 期刊


Area Comparison of Cigarette Smoking: Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior among Guardian of the Primary School Children in Pin-Tung County


目的:本研究係在探討屏東縣地區別國小學童家長的菸害知識和菸害防治政策態度對其吸菸行為的相關影響。方法:研究對象為屏東縣96學年度就讀於國小3-6年級的學童家長,以多步驟隨機抽樣(multistage random sampling)的方式,針對都市、鄉村及山地國小進行抽樣,共取得有效樣本3027份,其中都市1502份、鄉村958份及山地567份,以Polynominal Logistic Regression進行吸菸行為(從未/過去/目前)與菸害知識、防治政策態度等自變項統計分析。結果:結果顯示,三個地區別社會人口學分佈,包括年齡、種族、教育程度、職業、收入及婚姻狀況有顯著差異「目前」吸菸行為的盛行率在都市、鄉村及山地分別為24.3%、29.7%及33.9%「過去」吸菸行為分別為8.3%、10.1%及10.4%。在調整控制變項後,結果顯示於三個地區菸害防制政策態度是「目前」吸菸行為的顯著影響因子;菸害知識,則與吸菸行為無顯著相關。在都市、鄉村及山地學童家長菸害防制態度傾向愈不贊成,愈可能有吸菸行為(分別的OR=3.93;3.78與1.82);其它影響「目前」吸菸行為的共同因素有家人同住吸菸情形(分別的OR=2.60;2.89與3.63)、飲酒習慣(分別的OR=3.01;6.27與1.91)、及嚼食檳榔習慣(分別的OR=5.84; 8.40與4.37)。「過去」吸菸行為影響因素,只於鄉村有顯著影響因素,為飲酒及嚼食檳榔習慣。結論:政府相關單位應依地區別盛行率、社會人口學分佈及其影響因素的不同,介入實施不同的菸害防治政策。且日後可配合學校教育擬訂學童健康促進發展計劃,讓學童了解菸品對人體的危害,將拒菸、禁菸的觀念帶回家中協助家長戒菸,以達有效降低吸菸率。


Aims: To assess the relationship of tobacco-related knowledge, attitude toward tobacco-control, and smoking behavior among guardians of the primary school children in Pingtung County in different areas. Methods: We used a multistage random sampling strategy to collect data from guardians of third to sixth grade children in 2008 in Pingtung County (N=3027), directed at three different areas : urban (N=1502), rural (N=958) and mountain area (N=567). Polynominal logistic regression was used to analyze the relationship between smoking behavior and its potential factors. Results: For urban, rural and mountain areas, the demographic analysis is different significantly in age, race, education, occupation, income and marital status. The current and former smoking rates are 24.3%, 29.7%, 33.9% and 8.3%, 10.1%, 10.4%, respectively. After adjustment for other variables, in all three areas attitude toward tobacco-control is significantly related to current smoking behavior, whereas tobacco-related knowledge is a non-significant factor. The more negative attitude toward tobacco-control, the higher the probability for being a smoker (OR: 3.93, 3.78, and l.82). Other significant variables for current smoking are someone else in the home smokers (OR: 2.60, 2.89, 3.63), alcohol drinking (OR: 3.01, 6.27, l.91), and betel nut chewing (OR: 5.84, 8.40, 4.37). For former cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and betel nut chewing are significant factor only in the rural area. Conclusions: We found significant differences in factors influencing the smoking behavior among the guardians in different areas. Area-differentiated smoking preventive and cessation programs should be highly considered in the future for better efficiency. Furthermore, harmful effects of cigarette smoking should be emphasized n the future elementary school education programs to influence the children's guardians in anti-smoking concept.


