  • 期刊


Natal Teeth: A Clinical Study in a Southern Taiwan Medical Center


出生牙乃出生時,即存在口腔內的牙齒,在早期國內外文獻中都有記載,但發生原因仍不明。其出生牙natal teeth)的盛行率從1:11.25至1:3000不等。動機:在台灣所發表的出生牙文章並不多,因為要取得樣本並非容易的事,因此想藉由此研究結果與國外學者所作的研究結果作比較。目的:篩檢南台灣某醫學中心嬰兒室出生牙的盛行率prevalence rate)。方法收案對象是在南部某醫學中心嬰兒室所進行收集,記錄包括(母親年齡、血型、妊娠週數、胎次、嬰兒的分娩方式、性別、體重、身高、頭圍、胸圍、血型及有無牙齒)。結果:男女嬰共收集1043位,其中有3位有出生牙,其盛行率為0.29%。結論:至今出生牙的發生原因仍不明,而出生牙並非是多生牙,在處理上需更加謹慎評估,若需拔除時需與父母溝通並詳細加以解釋,以免引起不必要的誤解。


出生牙 新生兒牙 盛行率


Purpose: The definition of natal teeth is the teeth already existed at time of birth. Due to the rare prevalence of natal teeth, the related documents are in small numbers. The frequency of natal teeth is around 1:11.25 to 1: 3000.Therefore, this study was aimed to the reports on natal teeth between Taiwanese and other countries. Methods: All collecting subjects were neonates born at a medical teaching hospital in southern Taiwan. Medical information included date of birth, gestational age, sex, birth weight, body height, body length, blood type, hair volume, teeth as well as data on mother's age, blood type, and week of gestation. Results: Among 1043 cases included in the current study, only three infants had the natal teeth. Here, prevalence is 0.29%. Conclusion: The causes of natal teeth, which are not mesiodens, remain unknown. However, for any clinical procedure, the punctilious examination and communication with the parents are necessary to avoid any potential misunderstandings.


Natal teeth Neonatal teeth Prevalence rate
