  • 學位論文


Clinical Study of Surface Blood Compatibility Treated Dental Implant

指導教授 : 彭珮雯


隨著植牙成本的降低、國人對於人工植牙的意願逐漸提高,使得國內植牙市場迅速 成長,推估目前國內之人工牙根需求量約為30 萬根,市場規模接近20 億元,而人工植 牙主要材料都來自於進口。有鑑於此,臺灣在2008 年陸陸續續有業者投入人工植牙產 業研發,本案例分享為使用國內通過衛署認證之國產人工牙根系統,並揭露出創新之親 水性表面處理技術SLAffinity,SLAffinity 表面處理因表面具有微米、次微米及奈米級複合 型孔洞的氧化鈦層,且具有極佳的親血性質,致使提高初期植體穩固度及骨癒合的效果; 於動物實驗將其與SLA 表面處理的植體系統比較顯示:不管在植入三周、六周、九周後, 移除扭力均大於SLA 表面處理,證實SLAffinity 具有加速骨癒合之效果,故本研究將以 臺灣自製植體進行人體臨床試驗,探討創新表面處理技術之台製植體的骨癒合及成功 率。


With the lower cost of implants, domestic market of dental implants grows fast, preliminary estimates there are three hundred thousands dental implants needed in domestic market, but most of our dental implants were dependent upon importation from foreign. In this study, dental implant system made by Taiwan with hydrophilicity surface treatment: SLAffinity were discussed. SLAffinity surface treatment has nano pores under micrometer pores on the TiO layer, and have excellent properties of blood compatibility, this will increase the stability of the dental implant in the early stage, according to the result from animal studies showed that SLAffinity treated implant had better osseointergration than SLA treatment. For these reasons we will do clinical study to proof the SLAffinity treated implant done by Taiwan could have better osseointergration and higher success ratio.


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