  • 期刊


The Evolution of Taiwan's Tourism Policy: From the Year of 1945 to 2000




觀光 觀光政策


This study is an exploratory study focusing on the evolution of Taiwan’s major tourism policies from the year of 1945 to 2000. Taiwan's tourism development and policies have undergone tremendous changes over the past years in this period. From the social breakdown after World War II and the lack of visible tourism policy for most people being unable to afford travelling cost, various aspects of the country were gradually getting onto the path of economic growth and even becoming one of the Asian Four Dragons. During the 1970s, the world's energy crisis and economic slump spent the period until 1979. The government allowed its people to travel abroad, opening a new era of two-way sightseeing for Taiwan. At the beginning of the period, its main feature was that the tourism policy mainly came from the instructions of the state leaders. Then it was successively set up by the central and local tourism authorities to undertake the tourism planning and execution tasks. During the period, important tourism regulations and policies were promulgated. The basic structure of Tourism Bureau has generally maintained so far. From 1980 to 2000, it was divided into Chiang Ching-kuo and Lee Teng-hui presidency. During the reign of the two presidents, both of them experienced the initial stage of democratization in Taiwan, launched many important tourism construction and policies, and laid an important foundation for the development of Taiwan's tourism. Due to the close relationship between tourism development and tourism policy, the former is directed by the latter. The development of tourism attractions and policies are also influenced by the international situation, diplomacy, politics, culture, economy ... and so on. Therefore, other factors that affect the development of tourist attractions and tourist policies are also discussed.


Tourism Tourism Policy


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