  • 期刊


A Study on Construction and Tourists' Intention of Use to Taichung Night Market Website


隨著寬頻網際網路與行動裝置的普及,網路行銷變得越來越重要。過往觀光夜市的網路行銷受限於人力與經費,夜市網站普遍缺乏內容及完整性,而能結合周邊觀光景點推廣者更少。本研究目的是,利用免費Wix網站平台將台中觀光夜市建構並整合在同一個入口網站下,以提升台中觀光夜市之能見度與行銷效率,吸引更多觀光客。本研究應用科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)設計問卷,接著利用Google表單設計網路問卷,並以便利抽樣法實施問卷調查,共回收有效問卷298份。結果顯示「台中觀光夜市網路行銷平台」在各題項的績效及使用意願都不錯,但依序在知覺趣味性、知覺有用性與知覺易用性設計上有改善空間。另外,TAM驗證顯示,知覺易用性顯著地正向影響知覺有用性及使用態度,知覺有用性及知覺趣味性皆非常顯著地正向影響使用態度,使用態度非常顯著地正向影響使用意向,而知覺有用性對使用意向之影響不顯著,它是透過使用態度,間接影響使用意向。可見此網路站台在「知覺趣味性」、「知覺有用性」與「知覺易用性」設計的重要性,因為它們會顯著影響遊客對網路行銷平台的使用意向。本研究結合產業實務與學術理論,有助於實踐科技大學「學中做,做中學」的教育目標,希冀能對產業與學術有所貢獻。


With a fast development of internet and mobile devices, online marketing has become more and more important. In the past, limited by the funds and the manpower, most of the night market website lack content and are incomplete. The purpose of this project is to build a network platform with Wix and integrate all the information into this website in order to improve the visibility and marketing efficiency of Taichung Night Market, and attracts more tourists. Our program applied the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to design a questionnaire, then used Google Forms to design a web questionnaire, and implemented a questionnaire survey using the purposive sampling method. A total of 298 valid questionnaires were collected. The results show that the "Taichung Tourism Night Market Website Marketing platform" has good performance, but there also has some space to improve on. However, the model demonstrates that perceived ease of use has positive impact on perceived usefulness and attitude. Perceived ease of use and perceived playfulness have a very significant positive impact on attitude. The attitude has positive impact on the intention of use. The perceived usefulness doesn't have a significant impact on the intention of use. It affects the intention of use indirectly through the attitude. Therefore, we can understand their importance, because they can significantly affect visitors' intentions of use of online marketing platforms.


i-city 全國夜市入口網(2019)。2019/2/13 摘錄自 http://www.i-city.com.tw/mark ets/view/fc。
士林夜市商圈入口網站(2019)。2019/2/13 摘錄自 http://shi-lin-night-market.co m.tw/。
太原 觀光 夜市 ( 2019 ) 。 2019/2/13 摘錄自https://www.facebook.com/TAIYWANnightmarket/。
交通部觀光局(2019a)。2019/1/13 摘錄自「中華民國 106 年來台旅客消費及動向調查」 https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/FileDownLoad/FileUpload/2018080710135046231.pdf。
交通部觀光局(2019b)。2019/1/13 摘錄自「中華民國 106 年國人旅遊狀況調查」,https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/FileDownLoad/FileUpload/20180807101024524329.pdf。
