  • 期刊


Identify the Relationship between Official Website Behavior and the Number of Attendees at the Taiwan Lantern Festival




The official tourism website is an indispensable channel for the Destination Management Organization (DMO) to promote its image and provide tourism information. The information recorded by the web server log data (WSLD) left by visitors browsing the website is an important source of information about people's behavior. Using the WSLD to increase the understanding of potential visitors is important in assisting marketing and promotion of destination management organization (DMOs). The Taiwan Lantern Festival attracts many foreign tourists to Taiwan. However, if the number of foreign tourists could be estimated before the event, it would be an important reference indicator for the marketing plan and on-site arrangement of the lantern festival. The WSLD reflects people's behavior and history of searching for information before traveling, so it enabled DMOs to consider the factors that affect foreign tourists when planning their trips. Travel & Tourism Competitiveness (TTC) symbolized the degree of readiness of a country's tourism environment and reflected the relative economic advantages and disadvantages among tourists, which was highly likely to affect tourists' choice of destination. This study explored the relationship between WSLD, TTC, and the actual number of visitors to the Taiwan Lantern Festival. WSLD was collected via the official website of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau from November 2017 to March 2018. The research results showed that the TTC index shows a slight mediation effect. The results indicated that viewing time and pages viewed were significantly related to the actual number of attendees to the lantern festival.


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