  • 期刊


Exploring the Relationships among Festival Activity Attraction, Experience Value and Behavior Intention: A Case Study of Taiwan International Balloon Festival




The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among festival activity attraction, experience value and behavior intention, while also exploring the mediating effect of situational involvement. A questionnaire survey was used to study the tourists who attended the Taiwan International Balloon Festival. Through convenience sampling, a total of 346 valid samples were collected. The data tested the hypothesized relationships by using structural equation modeling to construct a causal relationship between variables. The results show that the overall model fit is satisfactory. Festival activity attraction has a significant positive effect on experience value and behavior intention, experience value has a significant positive effect on behavior intention, and experience value plays an intermediary role between festival activity attraction and behavior intention. In conclusion, the constructed model can effectively explain the positive relationship between festival activity attraction and behavior intention, and the effect is transmitted through the mediating role of experience value.


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