  • 學位論文

活動行銷策略與城市品牌之研究 - 以台灣國際熱氣球嘉年華為例

Event Marketing and Place Branding – Case Study of Taiwan International Balloon Festival

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


因應全球化與都市化的影響,國與國之間的界線已然消弭,取而代之的是地區之間對於資源的競爭,城市發展成為重要的指標,為了吸引大量人才及投資,各個城市與地區無不卯足全力塑造具有自身特色的城市意象,建立基礎建設、改善城市生活機能以建立城市品牌,成為另一種以品牌行銷城市的方式提升地區知名度與附加價值,並吸引外來投資及人才的進入。 地區品牌行銷需要透過整合各方面資源使地區成為行銷主體,現今的全球趨勢,地區品牌的建立多以舉辦大型活動來行銷地區或城市特色為基本策略,例如舉辦地區性活動、會議展覽、國際賽事等,透過「活動行銷」的方式加速聚焦地區特色並產生快速有效的觀光經濟。 本研究以近幾年一再成為知名國際旅遊平台認可的「台灣國際熱氣球嘉年華」為案例,以服務及旅遊業適用之行銷策略8 Ps為架構,分析探討該案例之行銷策略,並以專家訪問內容佐以分析結果,點出該案例行銷城市之成功契機以及可改善項目;本研究除可為日後台灣其他城市或地區之地方行銷而舉辦大型活動的策略參考,更希望於文末提出未來短期幾年可能發展的活動行銷趨勢以及實務上之應用。


地方品牌 活動行銷 行銷策略 嘉年華 台灣 台東 熱氣球 8 Ps


With the trend of globalization, cities, areas rather than countries, are increasingly becoming the principal protagonists between geographical regions. The competition among cities to establish their credentials as the best choice for prospective visitors, investors and talents will intensify as places focus on how to convey their competitive edge and relevance as a place brand. Even newly developing places can now compete with the charm and appeal of cosmopolitan cities. Unless the latter retain and enhance resources, outward migration is inevitable; residents wish for opportunity-filled places in order to exercise their individual skills and interests. This paradigm means that cities must proactively shape their images and influence what the world thinks of them and the local governments have to position and market themselves with strategic intent. Place branding is suggested as the appropriate strategy for cities to manage their images and increase reputation. Hosting events on a large scale, such as sport games, world expositions and or holding cultural and iconic festivals in recent years have become a key and efficient way of place branding and positive economic impacts. Based on service marketing mix, this study investigates the key factors of successful events through literature review on selected case “Taiwan International Balloon Festival” and interview of professionals from different standpoints of stakeholders in this case. Comprehensive guidelines and key factors of event marketing in such case are suggested as result and reference for organizers when they are making branding strategy and marketing plan in the future. In the end, this study addresses the future trends and event marketing tips and hope this article can be some help.


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3. Allen et al. (2002). Festival and Special Event Management (25). p.142.
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5. Asia MICE Forum Report. (2012). Taipei.
