  • 期刊


A Study on Nursing Interests and Job Willingness of the Nursing College Students


本研究的目的在探討五專二年級護生選擇就讀護理、目前對護理專業喜好程度及未來從事護理工作意願之探討。針對選修護理美學護生,以自擬開放性問卷進行收集資料,以內容分析法進行資料分類,再以歸納之分類,進行平均數、百分比等之描述性統計。共回收52份問卷,結果發現以自己意願選擇就讀護理的學生佔55%,其中以護理工作容易就業、對護理很有興趣或認同護理是偉大的工作而選擇護理。超過半數護生目前喜歡護理是中等程度3分(喜歡程度從1分~最喜歡5分),有 11人非常喜歡護理(≧4分,21.2%),有3人不喜歡護理(<3分,5.7%)。目前不會後悔選擇護理的學生佔81%(42人);10人提及因為學習護理 很辛苦、壓力很大、或跟自己想像中的不一樣,所以會或有點會後悔選擇護理。認為自己適合學習護理的學生佔63%,16人提及自己不適合護理,是因為自認沒耐心、不夠細心,但其中13人因為護理有興趣或有自信心可以克服一切,不會而此放棄。因此,學生畢業後會從事護理工作佔94%,只有3人不會從事護理工作。新世代學生以自己意願選擇學習護理的比例較以往研究增加,顯示時代自由開放讓學生有自我想法。因取樣方式限制,建議未來研究以不同年級學生抽樣調查,提高其代表性。


護生 專業興趣 就業意願


The study aims to explore the professional interests and job willingness of the nursing college students. The data were collected with questionnaires and analysised using content analysis. Due to the limitation of study methodology and time, the subjects were sampled only from the class of 52 second-grade students at a nursing college. The results showed that over 50% nursing students chose to study nursing by themselves. The degree of loving nursing from 1 to 5, the score of majority of the students (over 50%) is 3. There are over 21% students are like nursing very much (the score including or over 4) but three of them dislike nursing now(the score below 3). Over 80% students would not regret to choose studying nursing. 10 of them felt studying nursing is hard with high pressure, therefore, there is more or less regretful. Over 60% students thought studying nursing suited them but 16 students did not felt so due to their impatient or less carefulness. Fortunately, 13 of the 16 students will not give up their learning because of their interesting and confidence in nursing. 94% students have willingness to work as a nursing professional and only 3 of them do not. The result shows the new generation of the nursing students has higher rate of choosing studying in nursing by their willingness which indicates it is the time with more freedom for them to express their opinions. According to the limitation of the sampling, the suggestion for the future research is using random sampling in each degree of nursing students to increase the representation of the population.


