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Dietary Habits Effect on the Body Mass Index Trends of College Students


本研究旨在探討大學生從大一至大四期間,其飲食習慣對BMI值變化的影響。採用問卷調查法,以南台科技大學365位大四學生為樣本,資料經SPSS 17.0套裝軟體以描述性統計、重複量數t檢定、獨立樣本單因子共變數分析(one-way ANCOVA)進行分析。研究結果發現:南台科技大學大一學生BMI值在正常範圍值內有五成四,體重過重則有二成四,到大四學生時BMI值在正常範圍值內有五成五,體重過重則有二成六,南台科大學生經過4年的大學生活,其BMI值顯著上升;不同背景大學生其BMI值變化情形沒有顯著差異,不同飲食習慣對BMI值變化情形中,僅飲品不同糖份攝取達顯著差異,且含糖飲品顯著高於無糖。研究價值與貢獻;藉由探討大學生不同飲食習慣對BMI值變化的影響,有助於了解飲食習慣與肥胖的關係,進而提出發展飲食營養教育介入計畫教育策略及建議。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the students from freshman to senior, the effect of their eating habits on BMI values. Questionnaire was used, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology 365 senior as a sample and data analyzed by SPSS 17.0 software package using descriptive statistics, t-test, independent samples ANCOVA analysis (one-way ANCOVA). The results showed that when they were freshman, BMI values within the normal range, fifty four percent, and twenty four percent overweight; when they are senior the BMI values within the normal range of fifty five percent, overweight twenty six percent. Students after four years of college life, their BMI values increased significantly. Different backgrounds students BMI values change with no significant difference. The effect of different eating habits on BMI values change situation, only drinks sugar intake are significant differences. The BMI values of sugary drinks were significantly higher than the sugar-free. Research value and contribution is by discussing college students' different dietary habits with BMI values change, help to understand the relationship between dietary habits and obesity, which proposed the development of diet nutrition education intervention programs, education strategies and recommendations.


