  • 期刊


"The Prospects and Development Conception of Territory Surveying and Mapping Information Integration and Circulation System in Taiwan"




國土測繪 資料倉儲


Over the years, natural disasters such as floods, landslips, mudflows, and landslides caused by typhoons, earthquakes and torrential rains have caused serious destruction in several parts of Taiwan. Since such disasters are a serious threat to both human-life and property, the authorities have adopted a renewed approach and are viewing national territory restoration and land use plan seriously. Mapping data (including all measuring and controlling data, digital cadastral data, DEM, GPS continuous measuring station, aerial photo and satellite images, etc.) forms the fundamental data source for land use planning and disaster prevention or disaster rescue plan. Such data plays an important role in the restoration procedure and national land surveying processes. However, the data remains scattered with different data producers and data administration is done by diverse government agencies. In the absence of a comprehensive and structured planning schema, data management and operations such as data query and search become cumbersome processes. Also, tracing the correct department from where appropriate data can be obtained becomes a tedious process and thus results in unnecessary delay when the data is required imminently. For this reason, this paper focuses on the application of the data warehousing technology within the Land Survey Bureau (Ministry of the Interior in Taiwan) for spatial data sharing, providing web and open GIS service, standardizing different source's spatial data format. Furthermore, the paper also discusses the goals of information disclosure by the government, data circulation, and sharing via one-stop service.


