

依國際校正實驗室認證規範ISO/IEC 17025,量測不確定度係指隨同一個量測結果,說明可合理歸屬於受測量之值分散程度的參數。按該規範5.4.6節規定,實施校正之實驗室應使用程序以估算實驗室之量測不確定度。內政部國土測繪中心(National Land Surveying and Mapping Center, NLSC)為中央測繪機關,負責辦理國家基礎測繪工作,建立全國性測繪成果,提供各界參考應用。為提升測量成果品質並符合相關法規規定,落實儀器校正制度,於2008 年成立「測量儀器校正實驗室」(Survey Instrument Calibration Laboratory, SICL),積極建置相關校正設備及發展符合國際認證規範ISO/IEC 17025 之品質管理系統,並於2009年11月向全國認證基金會(Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, TAF)提出校正實驗室認證申請,於2010年3月通過TAF校正實驗室認證。本研究即以本實驗室之校正系統為例,包括電子測距儀、經緯儀及衛星定位儀等3項校正系統,說明測量儀器在校正過程中應考慮的因素及評估的程序,並據以估算本實驗室各校正系統之最佳校正能力。


According to the international certification standard ISO/IEC 17025, the uncertainty is the parameters of dispersion range of the measurement results. The calibration laboratory should evalute the uncertainty according to the regulation of section 5.4.6 of the standard. The National Land Surveying and Mapping Center (NLSC) is a central authority that is responsible for the establishment of a national mapping results. In order to establish the instrument calibration institution, the NLSC established the Surveying Instrument Calibration Laboratory (SICL) in 2008 and has developed quality management system of calibration to meet the requirements of international certification standard ISO/IEC 17025. This laboratory has approved the recognition by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) in March of 2010. This study will take the laboratory calibration system as an example, including total stations, theodolites and GPS receivers to show the assessment procedures of uncertainty and estimate the best measurement capabilities of laboratory.


Calibration uncertainty
