  • 期刊


Reliability and Validity of Chinese Functional Status Ⅱ (R) for Children with Chronic Physical Conditions


背景 台灣慢性病兒童數漸增,然測量其健康的功能狀況工具卻少見。在全球化的趨勢下,翻譯具有良好心理計量分析特質的Functional Status II(R)(FS II(R))來測量慢性病無失能兒童之功能狀況是可行的方法。 目的 本研究目的是將英文版的FS II(R)譯成中文,並進行中文版的信、效度檢測,期建立適用於台灣慢性病無失能兒童之功能狀況量表。 方法 FS II(R)的中文化採重覆翻譯方式,再進行專家內容效度與表面效度檢測,以103位慢性病兒童的主要照顧者為研究對象,進行量表內在一致性、再測信度與建構效度、效標關聯效度等心理計量分析檢定。 結果 因素分析萃取出中文版FS II(R)(C-FS II(R))有兩個因素,分別為一般健康行為及疾病相關健康行為,此兩因素共解釋52.25%的總變異量。同時,以兒童的學校缺席天數、住院次數等指標進行效標關聯效度檢定,結果呈現以上兩者分別與兒童的功能狀況有顯著負相關。在信度方面,C-FS II(R)的Cronbach's α為.89,兩週的再測信度相關係數達.91,一般健康行為和疾病相關健康行為次量表之Cronbach's α各為.88和.79。 結論 以上結果呈現出中文版的兒童功能狀況量表具良好心理計量分析特質,建議此量表可應用於台灣地區慢性病兒童臨床的功能狀況評估及研究調查。


Background: Few measures have been developed to assess the functional status of children with chronic illnesses, a population that has seen its numbers gradually rising in Taiwan. To assess functional status in children, the authors selected and translated an internationally accepted scientific scale with good psychometric properties. Functional Status Ⅱ(R) (FS Ⅱ(R)) has been widely used in the West to assess the functional status of children with chronic physical conditions but without disabilities. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to translate the English-version of FS Ⅱ (R) into a Chinese-version of FS Ⅱ (R) (C-FS Ⅱ(R)) and to examine its psychometric properties. Methods: The FS Ⅱ (R) was translated from English into Chinese and then back translated from Chinese into English. The two English versions were compared to confirm accuracy, with results discussed and appropriate adjustments made to the Chinese version. The C-FS II (R) was administered to 103 caregivers of children with chronic illness. Internal consistency and test-retest were used to assess reliability. Content, construct, and criteria-related validities were conducted to assess validity. Results: Factor analysis found two factors, general health behavior and illness related behavior, to account for 52.25% of total variance. Criteria-related validity was established based on significantly negative correlations between C-FS Ⅱ (R) and days of absence from school and the numbers of hospitalization. The test-retest correlation coefficient was. 91 in a two-week interval. Cronbach's α for general health behavior and illness related behavior subscales were. 88 and .79, respectively. The present study shows the C-FS Ⅱ (R) to have good psychometric properties. Conclusion: Our study results suggest that the C-FS Ⅱ (R) may be applied to assess children with chronic diseases and used effectively in future studies.
