  • 期刊


The Relationship between Physical Activity and Quality of Life in Community-Care-Site Older Adults




Background: Quality of life (QOL) is an increasingly important daily life outcome indicator in older adults. Purpose: This study explores the relationships among personal characteristics, physical activity, and QOL in older adult participants in community‐care‐site. Methods: Cross‐sectional correlation design and convenience sampling were used to select 176 older adult participants in community‐care‐site's activities in Kaohsiung city. Results: (1) Older adults with relatively good perceived health status were more likely to participate in recreational, household, and occupational activities and earn higher scores in the four QOL domains. (2) Perceived health status and participation in occupational, household, and recreational activities were physical domain predictors, accounting for 31.5% of total variance. (3) Perceived health status, economic status, and participation in occupational activities were psychological domain predictors, accounting for 19.5% of total variance. (4) Economic status and perceived health status were social‐relationship domain predictors, accounting for 7.6% of total variance. (5) Economic status, perceived health status, and participation in occupational activities were environment domain predictors, accounting for 26.9% of total variance. (6) This study identified a negative correlation between participation in occupational activity and the 3 QOL domains of physical, psychological, and environment. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Community healthcare clinics should give stronger encouragement to their older adult clients to participate in recreational and household activities as a way to enhance QOL in this population. We suggest that the government sponsor more age‐appropriate activities available to older adults who use community‐based healthcare services.


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