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The Legal Issues on the Information Privacy and Security With Electronic Medical Records in Healthcare Systems





The electronic medical record (EMR) contains a wealth of clinical information that can range from the individual level to the population level; however, a major challenge is obtaining the data in a consistent and standardized format. Cloud computing improves agility and reduces capital expenditure cost. Moreover, the increased portability and accessibility of electronic medical records may also increase the ease with which they can be accessed and stolen by unauthorized persons or unscrupulous users. The legal developments in healthcare have been driven by the public concern for personal privacy and confidentiality within the context of an increasingly connected world centered on the Internet. In the United States, Great Britain, and Germany, the concept of a national centralized server model of healthcare data has been poorly received. Issues of privacy and security in such a model have been of concern. Failure or damages caused during installation or utilization of an EMR system has been feared as a threat in lawsuits. Similarly, it's important to recognize that the implementation of electronic medical records carries with it significant legal risks. The adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) in healthcare is driven by the need to contain cost while maximizing quality and efficiency. However, ICT adoption for healthcare information management has brought far-reaching effects and implication on the patient privacy and confidentiality.


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