  • 期刊


On the Study of the AI Regarding the Protection of the Privacy.-The Fighting between Modern Technology and the Information Privacy Right




To embrace a new era of Artificial Intelligence(AI), the development in such a modern technology derives many thought-provoking legal questions, such as the right to privacy of information protection. With the advance of information technology and commercial activity on the internet, a wide variety of matters concerning the information privacy have raised.Therefore, the protection of the right of privacy has necessarily extended. Due to the progress of AI accompanying with flourishing digital technology development, current trend through this shortens the distance between people. The operating proficiency of the computer-based information systems is great, making everything works faster; however, the right to privacy of information protection in reality is obviously insufficient. Therefore, the information privacy is a new developing technology and standardizes in the category. Since most people live in this scientific and technological era, the very little bit of personal information would be revealed under the trend of the handy service and economic benefit without notice. More and more services offer as electronic E, e-commerce by utilizing information lifestyle from the computer technology. Hence, cultural literacy and tastes not only enrich but also vary our lives on account of the comprehensive change and facility of AI. How to tackle with the issues of AI and keep on both technology development and information privacy is an important lesson. This paper focuses on the issues of the information infringement pertaining to the digital technology development.By analyzing those verdicts and cases in U.S.A. and Taiwan, it's essential to learn how to keep the development of AI and give consideration to the personal information protection, infringement of the right of privacy when dealing with these problems in AI.I hope this paper can bring of tremendous devotion in the legal field.


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