  • 學位論文


Case Study on Disclosure of Personal Data: From the Perspective of the Protection of the Right to Privacy

指導教授 : 林子儀


摘要 本文探討揭露個人資料的行為是否會對隱私權造成侵害,主要以具體案例的研究為主,從揭露個人資料相關的判決中,揀選六個主要的案例類型為分析,並以此案例為本文研究之主軸;而此六個案例所代表的問題,係為大部分判決皆有提及之問題,故以該六個案例為代表。 本文的研究途徑採取法律研究途徑,欲從法律的角度來探討揭露行為對隱私權造成的侵害;揭露個人資料的種類很多,隨著不同的類型差異,是否受隱私權保護和受隱私權保護的強度也有所不同,此為本文研究的重點。 本文的研究架構,第一章為緒論,對本文的研究動機、研究目的和研究問題作說明。第二章則介紹判決案例,並就此為爭點分析整理,舉出不同的個人資料被揭露情形下,法院作何種的判決認定。第三章則就案例中涉及的基本概念作介紹,對隱私權的定義、侵害類型和發展為介紹,並就個人資料、揭露行為加以說明,並討論合理隱私期待的概念;本文第四章就案例中所提到的法律作介紹,主要討論憲法、民法、刑法和電腦處理個人資料保護法,並就該法為整理、批評。本文第五章對案例中的爭點加以分析討論,並提出對法院的批評和建議。 第六章為結論,本文認為揭露個人資料可能會對隱私權造成侵害,個人資料的特性在於其一流出便很難對該資料再為控制,個人也無法預測此流出的資料會對個人造成如何的影響;故對揭露行為的限制,應在為揭露行為的時間點就限制,即在發生損害前就為隱私權預防的保護,以此為法律介入的時點。 為了兼顧社會的發展,資料的流通是必要的,在基於互信的基礎下,社會機制也才運作地起來,但卻和隱私權的保護發生衝突;個人資料完全不被揭露、不流通,也會妨礙社會的發展,隱私權的保護不是絕對,隨著不同的情境,是否應受隱私權保護或隱私權保護的強度也會不同;尋求兩者間的衡平才能兼顧社會發展和隱私權保護。 關鍵字:隱私權、揭露、個人資料、案例研究、合理隱私期待、已公開資料


Abstract This thesis addresses the issue of whether the disclosure of personal data violates the right to privacy. Legal approach has been adopted to explore the issue. It selects six judicial cases which reflect six major types of disclosure of personal data cases for the basis of the case study. Disclosure of personal data comes in varied forms and causes different kinds and degrees of privacy infringements. This thesis thus focuses its study on how the protection of privacy varies and what protections the law shall offer under varied circumstances. This thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction which explains motivations and purposes and defines the issues of the study. In Chapter 2, six judicial cases are cited and analyzed to introduce the rulings of the court concerning disclosure of different types of personal data and frame the legal issues involved. Following that, Chapter 3 explains the fundamentals in those cases. It explains the definitions, types of infringement and the general development of the right to privacy, elaborates the concepts of personal data and the act of disclosure, and discusses the concept of reasonable expectation of privacy. Chapter 4 discusses further the legal concepts mentioned in the cases and their interactions with the constitutional law, civil law, criminal law and the Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Act (CPPDPA). A critical review of the CPPDPA is also provided in this chapter. Based on the study of the previous two chapters, Chapter 5 analyzes the legal issues of the six cases and comments the rulings of the court. The thesis’s suggestion is offered at the end of this chapter. Chapter 6 is the conclusion of this thesis. It concludes that disclosure of personal data may cause damage to the right to privacy. Due to the characteristic of personal data, individuals can hardly control the flow of information and predict the possible effects brought about by personal data revealed to others. This thesis, therefore, contends that there shall be legal restrictions on disclosure of personal data at the very moment when the act of disclosure is committed, i.e. providing preventive legal protection for privacy before damage is done. Society runs on the basis of mutual trust between its members. For the development of society, it is necessary to ensure the flow of information. There is always a tension between the right to privacy and free flow of information. The right to privacy is not an absolute right. The law shall provide different extents of protection to right to privacy in different circumstances. This thesis proposes to strike an appropriate balance between social development and protection of privacy. Keywords: privacy, disclosure, personal data, case study, reasonable expectation of privacy, public data.




鄭忻忻(2014)。行動應用程式的個人資料保護── 公開透明原則的強化與本國實證研究〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2014.00121
