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Recreate the Spring of Traditional Industries with Culture and Innovation methods -Take Baicha Tourist Factory as an example




In recent years, Taiwan's traditional industries are facing upgrading problems, and the downstream of its Economic Value Added needs to be improved. The solutions towards Taiwan's traditional industries problem come by upgrading their business model. The competition between Taiwan and international industries has become more intensing. Some many companies want to cost reduction so they move there product line to Mainland China or southeast Asia. Part of the traditional manufacturing industry that remains in the country has been transformed into a tourist factory, plus a cultural and creative industry factory. Transformed into a tourist factory with manufacturing, culture, education, history, and knowledge, combining sightseeing, leisure, experience, and shopping, with a more trendy and more industrial value, as well as a knowledgeable tourist factory. Sightseeing factories can be said to be the spring of traditional industries. In this study, we take "Bacha Hakka Culture" in Toutu Township Tourism Factory in Miaoli County as an example to analyze the customer satisfaction of the service after the transformation, and take a questionnaire survey 170 as a sample, supplemented by a qualitative interview with the industry. Based on the analysis of the management strategy of the tourist factory, the experience of marketing and tea culture, and the local connection, the recommendations are made based on the research results to recreate the glory of the traditional industry.
