  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

台北市迪化街消費地景之研究:以藝埕系列與URS 329稻舍為例

The Consumption Landscapes of Dihua Street: A Case Study of ArtYard Stores and URS 329


本文採用深度訪談、實地觀察與文獻料分析,勾勒迪化街的消費地景,探討迪化街的發展是否呈現出都市社會學仕紳化論題指稱的現象與模式。本文聚焦於世代群以微型創業為主的藝埕系列與URS 329稻舍,論述其願景、行銷策略與商業模式,以及兩者在迪化街消費地景中的地位與意義。最後綜述本文重點,提出未來的研究方向。


The paper depicts the landscape of consumption around Dihua Street, especially the types of businesses and characteristics, and discuss whether the development of Dihua Street corresponds to the gentrification thesis in Urban Sociology. Then, the author focuses on the micro entrepreneurship business of SEDAI and URS 329-Rise & Shine, describing their visions, marketing strategies, business models, as well as their roles and meanings in the landscape. Finally, the summaries and future research directions about the landscape of consumption of Dihua Street are provided at the end.
