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A Micro Study: The Factors about Emperor Qin Sheh-Huan, Who Conquered and Could Sweep Six Nations and Uniification Of China




Qin Sheh-Huan, who conquered and swept six contemporaneous nations in nearly ten years, became the first emperor of china. What were the causes of his success.1. The kings of Qin dynasty dedicated to carry out the policy of building up a wealthy nation with strong armed forces, their efforts laid down a firm foundation for the unification of the country in ancient China.2. During the time of spring and warlord, over 500 years in time of war and tumult. This situation inclined people towards unification of the nations.3. Among these seven powerful nations, Qin was the strongest one. So the people desired that Qin could fulfill the unification.4. The personal character of Ying Zen-Qin Sheh-Huan himself had an influence upon the unification as well.
