  • 期刊


College Athletes on the Relationship between Mental Toughness and Stress Coping Strategies


目的:本研究目的旨在探討大專籃球運動選手之運動心理韌性與競賽壓力因應策略之關係,並比較性別差異、以及主力與非主力之差異。方法:以106年大專院校甲一級前八強的男、女子籃球選手為研究對象,共計235位選手(男生125位、女生110位),平均年齡為20.32歲。研究工具為「特質運動心理韌性量表」,分為三個分量表:積極奮鬥分量表、抗壓性分量表、忍受傷痛分量表,共32題;「競賽壓力因應策略量表」,分為三個分量表:問題焦點分量表、情緒焦點分量表、逃避分量表,共22題。問卷發放有235份問卷,剔除無效問卷,有效問卷225份,其回收率為96%。蒐集所得資料以描述統計、皮爾森積差相關和獨立樣本t檢定進行分析,結果:結果顯示:(一)運動心理韌性及競賽壓力因應策略關係,結果發現「積極奮鬥」、「抗壓性」、「忍受傷痛」皆與「逃避」呈負相關,與「問題焦點」、「情緒焦點」呈正相關。(二)心理韌性在性別差異方面:在忍受傷痛(t=1.46, p=.02)有達顯著差異;競賽壓力因應策略方面之問題焦點(t=4.19, p=.02)達顯著差異。(三)心理韌性在主力與非主力差異方面:在忍受傷痛(t=1.42, p=.04)有達顯著差異;競賽壓力因應策略方面則沒有達顯著差異。結論:對於籃球訓練實務之建議:(一)教練在籃球專項技術和體能的訓練外,應特別加強和注重選手心理技能訓練,強化選手心理素質,使選手在球場上面臨關鍵時刻的抗壓能力提升。(二)選手在平常訓練時,可加強培養針對問題和針對情緒之壓力管理,以提升競賽壓力因應策略表現,進而提升競賽時成績表現。


Introduction: The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between sports mental toughness and stress coping strategies of college and university basketball players. Also, comparing gender disparity and differences between the starting lineups and bench players. Methods: A total of 235 players (125 men) with an average age of 20.32 were selected from the male and female basketball elite teams in the top eight college and universities in Taiwan. Two hundred thirty-five questionnaires were distributed, invalid questionnaires were excluded, leaving 225 valid ones. Overall, the questionnaire retrieval rate was 96%. Collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation and independent sample t-test. Conclusion: Suggestions for basketball drills: (1) In addition to the training of basketball skills and physical fitness, the coach should pay more attention to the mental training of the athletes in order to strengthen their inner quality that enables the athletes to adjust their resistance to pressure and improve performance on the court. (2) For usual practice, problem-solving and emotional-pressure management can be emphasized more in order to enhance coping strategies for competitive stress and promote performance on the court.


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