  • 期刊


Using Barbell-Cervical-Hip Angle to Identify the Differences between the Successful and Unsuccessful Snatch Lifts


目的:本研究目的在藉由槓-頸-髖夾角(Barbell-Cervicle-Hip angle,BCH角)分析抓舉動作,並比較成功與失敗之間的動作差異。方法:本研究以1台高速攝影機拍攝4位青年舉重運動員(3位女性、1位男性)抓舉動作,攝影機架設在舉者左側,並於槓鈴中心點、舉者第七頸椎脊突及股骨大轉子共黏貼3顆反光球,舉者依照教練指示進行數次抓舉試舉。本研究僅擷取每一位舉者成功與失敗各6筆最重的試舉資料進行比較分析。結果:在提鈴離地(LO)、發力推鈴(PB)及槓鈴最高位置(MH)時,成功與失敗試舉之間的BCH角達顯著差異。比較個人成功與失敗試舉,有兩位舉者失敗試舉時發力推鈴(PB)點的BCH角明顯較小,顯示其推鈴發力點,也就是槓鈴推離身體的位置過高。BCH角速度部分,僅舉者之間達顯著差異,成功與失敗之間則無顯著差異。比較個人結果,僅1位舉者失敗試舉時在槓鈴最遠位置(MF)有明顯較大的BCH角速度,其餘均無顯著差異。結論與建議:失敗試舉在槓鈴離地時有較大的BCH角,在發力推鈴、槓鈴最高點時有較小的BCH角。每位舉者的抓舉動作模式並不相同,特別是在發力推鈴後,因此未來探討抓舉動作失敗的原因,尤其是針對優秀舉重運動員,應以單一舉者的分析為主。


舉重 相對槓鈴重量 矢狀面


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to use the Barbell-Cervicle-Hip (BCH) angle to analyze the snatch movement and to identify the differences between the successful and unsuccessful lifts. Methods: Four young weightlifters (three females and one male) were recruited in this study. A high-speed camera was set on the left side of the lifter to film the movements of snatching different barbell mass. Three reflective markers were placed on the 7th cervical vertebrae process, the hip joint of the lifter, and the left side of the barbell. Six heavier lifts for each lifter were analyzed in this study. Results: Between the successful and unsuccessful lifts, the lifters showed different BCH angles significantly at the LO, PB, and MH events. Among the four lifters, only two lifters performed different BCH angles at the PB event significantly. No significant differences in BCH angular velocity were found between the successful and unsuccessful lifts for the four lifters. Only one lifter showed different BCH angular velocity at the MF. Conclusions: For the unsuccessful lifts, the lifters performed greater BCH angle as lifting barbell off the floor, and smaller BCH angle at the instant of the barbell pushed away from lifters' body and going to the highest position. Each lifter seemed to have different snatch movements after pushing barbell away from their body until squatting to catch the barbell. For elite weightlifters, motion analysis for successful and unsuccessful lifts should be based on individual athlete's movement in the future.
