  • 期刊


Research of score techniques in elite karate athletes: take 2010 and 2012 World Karate Championships


前言:2011年起世界空手道聯盟(World Karate Federation, WKF)修改比賽規則,要求選手須增加穿戴身體護具及其它規定,可能使選手得分技術產生變化。目的:本研究探討空手道選手之得分位置、次數及攻擊型態,比較規則改變前後之差異,以作為我國空手道選手技戰術應用與訓練之參考。方法:以2010年和2012年兩屆世界盃空手道錦標賽,男、女對打各量級前五名選手作為研究對象,以WKF官方影片進行影像分析,比較規則改變前後得分位置、次數及攻擊型態之差異。結果:兩屆男、女子選手得分位置皆集中於頭部,以手部攻擊得分次數最多,腳部攻擊及摔技於2012年有增加趨勢。2012年男子選手攻擊型態由2010年的中段逆擊,改變以上段逆擊為主;兩屆女子選手攻擊型態則皆以中段逆擊為主,而男、女子選手皆在2012年世錦賽增加勾踢及摔技得分。結論:2012年世錦賽男、女對打選手在得分位置、次數及攻擊型態上有所改變。此研究結果可供我國空手道選手在比賽和訓練時,技巧、戰術應用與訓練等方面參考。


Introduction: World Karate Federation (WKF) ruled that contestants had to wear body protector in kumite competitions, which may affect their score techniques execution in 2011. This study explored kumite contestants' scoring areas, times and attack techniques, compare the differences of rule revision. Method: The subjects of this study were the top 5 male and female kumite contestants for all weight classes of the World Karate Championships in 2010 and 2012. By utilizing WKF official video image analysis to compare kumite rules before and after the differences in the number of scoring areas, times and attack techniques. Results: The two sessions of World Karate Championships contestants' scoring areas were focus on head by using arm techniques. 2012 male contestants' attack techniques transferred Chudan Uchi to Jordan Uchi. The two sessions of female contestants' attack techniques were mainly Chudan Uchi. The use of foot techniques and throws had an increased tendency in 2012 World Karate Championships. Conclusion: Kumite contestants' scoring areas, times and attack techniques were different in 2012World Karate Championships. The results provide kumite contestants and coaches for training, technical-tactical preparation.


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