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The Effect of Instep Kick Bouncing Ball Skill Analysis




運動學 踢擊表現 足球訓練


Purpose: Instep kick bouncing ball is not only the advanced skills for the instep shot but also is one of the basic skills that football players should have. If the players can realize the movement skill of instep kick bouncing ball, that can improve the exercise performance. Method: According to the sports technology analysis, Consolidate the literature which investigate the motion of instep kick bouncing football and explain the main points for each staging. Provide reference for coaches to training players. Result: The quality of the kick ball will determine the speed and path of the ball. Therefore, when repeat training it should be paid attention the distance with ball and body, the preliminary approach needs stable, and increase the steps and strides at the end. The supporting leg need select to the sagittal plane next to the ball, and the hip and knee joint range more backward swing to get larger velocity. Conclusion: When practiced instep kicked the bouncing ball, need stressed the affect factor such as the timing judgment about the ball bouncing, whether the follow-up of the approach is coordinated with the hitting point, select of the support foot position, whether the position of the kick sphere is centered, whether the back of foot is tight, whether the eyes keep watching the ball, whether excessive exertion to cause rigid muscles. That can improve the instep kicking skill.


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