  • 期刊


Comparison of Trunk Muscle Strength and Movement Control Ability among Different Age Levels of Swimmers and Non-Swimmers




國中生 大專生 核心肌群


Purpose: To explore the differences in trunk muscle strength and movement control ability among junior high school and college level of swimmers and non-swimmers. Methods: Four groups of students participated in this study (junior high school and college level of swimmers and non-swimmers) with 10 students in each group. Isometric trunk muscle strength (flexion, extension, and rotation) was measured with a customized dynamometer. Trunk movement control ability was assessed with a proprioceptive system. Two-way ANOVAs were used to compare the differences in trunk muscle strength and movement control ability among the four groups of participants. Results: Normalized trunk flexion strength in junior high school and college swimmers were stronger than that in college non-swimmers. Normalized trunk extension strength in junior high school non-swimmers and college swimmers were stronger than that in college non-swimmers. Normalized trunk rotation strength in swimmers were stronger than that in non-swimmers. Trunk movement control ability performed in college students were better than that in junior high school students. Conclusion: Swimmers have stronger normalized trunk muscle strength compared to non-swimmers who do not have regular exercise habits. College students with maturer neuromuscular system may have better trunk movement control ability than junior high school students.


junior high school college core muscles


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