  • 期刊


The Relationship Between Core Muscles Capability and Knee Injuries


目的:本研究旨在探討核心肌群控制能力及核心本體感覺表現與膝關節傷害之關聯性。方法:招募健康運動員11位及下背痛運動員11位,使用國際膝部文件委員會主觀膝部評估表(International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Form, IKDC SKF)進行檢測,將各項會誘發膝關節疼痛之活動的主觀感覺進行量化,並以壓力回饋儀評估核心穩定度及核心本體感覺。結果:研究結果顯示下背痛組在核心穩定壓力值較健康組差,而核心本體感覺壓力在下背痛組的誤差值較健康組大且兩組間達顯著差異。膝關節評估表分數與核心肌群控制能力和核心本體感覺之間僅有中低度的相關。結論:本研究的結果發現核心表現與膝關節疼痛狀況之間的關聯性不顯著,因此難以證實兩者間的關係,但可得知下背痛組的核心表現較健康組為差,若加以發展可以作為偵測下背痛發生風險的一個有效工具。


Purpose: This study aimed to explore the relationship between core muscle control ability and knee injury. Methods: A total of 11 healthy athletes and 11 other athletes with low-back pain were recruited in this study. Using the International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Form (IKDC SKF) to quantify the subjective painful feel when they engaged in various physical activity and evaluate the core stability and core proprioception with the pressure biofeedback device. Results: The results of this study showed that there is a significant difference between these two teams. The core stability of the low-back pain athletes is significantly less than the healthy group, and the core proprioception of those low-back pain athletes has more significant deviation than the healthy group. There were some minor relationships between the score of IKDC SKF with core stability and core proprioception. Conclusion: This research found no significant relationship between core muscle control ability and knee injury, therefore, it is hard to confirm their relevance. However, low-back pain athletes have worse core stability than the healthy group, with further development of the assessment will be an effective tool to detect the risk factor of low-back pain.


core stability proprioception sports injury


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