  • 期刊


Study of High-School Educational Goals


本研究旨在進行高中教育目標之分析與比較,以346所普通高中、完全中學、綜合高中、完全暨綜合高中的105學年度之教育目標進行分析。經採質性分析,辨識出2,816筆教育目標陳述,分類為17項次類目、並進一步歸納成自我形塑、探索學習、德行養成、素養陶冶、社會參與及職業準備等六類目。所獲得之2,816筆教育目標陳述,再以SPSS for Windows 21.0版套裝軟體進行次數分配及卡方檢定。研究發現:一、高中之教育目標相當多元,彰顯全人教育受重視之現象;二、高中教育目標相當重視學生自我形塑,較不重視職業準備;三、不同背景高中之教育目標差異不大,有強調學生「自我形塑」的定型化現象。根據研究發現,本研究提出「高中教育目標六大類目可提供各校發展教育目標之參考」、「學校可與本身的背景關聯,以建立特色」、「學校發展特色目標,不宜背離高中教育之定位」等建議。


自我形塑 高中 教育目標


This study analyzes and compares the educational goals of different high schools. All of the investigated educational goals were announced in 2016 and were from a total of 346 schools, consisting of senior high schools, 6-year high schools, comprehensive high schools, and 6-year-comprehensive high schools. Through qualitative analysis, this study identified 2,816 statements of educational goals that were then classified into 17 subcategories. The subcategories obtained were subsequently organized into 6 categories: self-construction, exploratory learning, moral development, literacy cultivation, society participation, and occupational training. Moreover, the 2,816 statements were further analyzed using SPSS for windows 21.0 to obtain a frequency distribution and the chi-square test. The findings of this study indicated that various high-school educational goals play a crucial role in the holistic education of high schools. The self-construction category was emphasized in high-school educational goals, whereas the occupational training category was the least commonly referenced educational goal. Furthermore, the self-construction category was prevalent in the educational goals of high schools from different backgrounds.


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