  • 期刊


諏訪素濤編俳誌《熱》與本島人俳句作家-大正前期台灣俳壇與日本俳壇的交流|The Research on Suwa Sotou's "Netu" and 'Hontouzin' Haiku poets: Regarding the Exchange between Taiwan Haiku Circle and Japanese Haiku Circle during the Early Taisho Period




本論以日人諏訪素濤於大正時期發行之俳句雜誌《熱》為主要的考察對象,探討該雜誌的發行目的、主編素濤的文學理念、以及《熱》的發行在台灣俳句發展史上的意義。素濤主編之俳句專門誌《熱》於大正6年創刊,而《熱》和其它台灣發行的俳句雜誌最大的不同之處,是除了居住在台灣的俳人作品之外,亦收錄了相當多來自日本本土的投稿,其份量約佔整體的三分之一。也就是說,相對於以發揚「台灣俳人」作品為主要目標的明治期俳句雜誌『相思樹』『緑珊瑚』等,《熱》更希望透過內地(日本)的投句、投稿、來信等,維持和日本俳壇的連繫,藉此宣示台灣俳句界的存在。而另一點值得注意的是,《熱》的投句者中有不少「本島人」(漢民族系台灣人)俳人,其中名為柯雪嶼的「本島人」俳人甚至協助素濤的編輯作業。由此可見在本刊發行時,本島俳人便已嶄露頭角,可以用流暢的日文從事俳句之創作。包括上述幾點,本論文將探討『熱』與其同人的活動。|The paper is mainly regarding the Japanese haiku poem magazine of "Netu" which were issued by Suwa Sotou during the Taisho period. It revealed the purpose of publication of the magazine, Sotou's literary philosophy, and the significance of publication of the magazine in the development history of Taiwan haiku. "Netu" accepted the contributors from not only Taiwan but also Japan. It was remarkably different from the other magazines issued in Taiwan, which confined the contributors to the limited region. Moreover, "Netu" called for attention to the existence of the Taiwan haiku circle and stimulated the exchange of the Taiwan haiku circle and the Japan one by positively accepting the contributions of articles or phrases composed in Japan or abroad. Furthermore, it is worth noting that there were a lot of contributors of 'Hontouzin', namely the Taiwanese haiku poets, in the magazine. It can be found that the Taiwanese haiku poets had composed haiku in fluent Japanese around 1917 and revealed their talent in the haiku circle. Therefore, I would like to research "Netu" and the activities of the haiku poets who had submitted the haiku in the magazine.
